
7 Myths About Publishing

All authors make a bucket load of money! (Actuality: We make about 78 cents a book. Most of us make less than a teacher’s aid). Rejection ceases to exist once you’ve signed your first book contract. (Actuality: It gets worse, and the rejections hurt more.) Publishing is like those models who get discovered in diners.…

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Author and Homeschool Mom MC Pearson Shares Her Story

Tell us a little about your family and your call to write. I was working at a children’s home as a houseparent alongside my husband. We had two biological children and were living with them and 6 ‘at-risk’ youth at the time when I felt ‘the call’. I would write after everyone went to bed,…

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Getting Past the Excuses

A while ago, Gina encouraged us to stop making excuses, put aside the distractions, and just write. Sound advice. I’d like to expand on her topic, and offer a suggestion on one way folks might make this a reality. As Gina said, writing is HARD. If you’re writing a novel, it might seem next to…

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Make a DREAM Come True Mondays

I’m trying something new here! Tis the season to think of others, but I think we should think of others all year round. So Mondays at Defying Gravity will be all about “Making a Dream Come True” for someone else. But I need YOUR help! If you know someone who has a dream, young or…

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What is an Influencer?

As my debut launch draws closer, my mind is on marketing and promotion. In the writing world authors ask for Influencers to help promote their books, but what exactly does an Influencer do? Author Jody Hedlund shares. -Gina Conroy Being an Influencer Isn’t Just About Getting a Free Book by Jody Hedlund What exactly is…

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Why Am I Here?

Most of the people I know have asked that question at least once in their lives. Many of them find that they ask that question on a daily basis. Discovering the meaning behind the person you are can be the key to walking in a life of peace and joy. God created everything in this…

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How to Protect Your Back from Pain!

You are sitting, typing furiously to finish an article, a story, or blog. As you approach placing the last period in your writing, you feel a dull pain rising from your back. Ouch! Tightness, pain, and so much more have you wondering if you should sit back down or begin moving around. As a writer,…

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Black Friday and Thoughts on Contentment

I saw a cartoon on facebook today that said,“Don’t you think it’s ironic that Americans spend the most money on new things the day after they say they’re grateful for what they already have?” This made me stop and think. Why are we so discontent with what we have? Why the push and the need for…

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Thanksgiving Lessons-Learned List

Happy Thanksgiving! Here in the U.S.A., today is set aside as a day for worship, family, and food. If you’re cooking Thanksgiving dinner (or if you’re responsible for any preparations beyond just showing up at Grandma’s house), you will probably spend some part of this holiday consulting a list. You might think your grocery list…

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How to Disable the Disabler and Write What’s Truly Remarkable

As an editor, I love to encourage. It’s one of my favorite parts of my job. But all the encouragement in the world doesn’t matter against the Disabler. Eventually, he finds everyone. He slithers over and hisses in your ear, planting thoughts… “I don’t have what it takes.” “I’m nothing special.” “I don’t have anything…

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