Balancing Social Media
I still haven’t figured out how to balance life and writing and NOW I’m trying to balance blogs and social media! So as I figure the whole two blog thing out and soon add a live website to the mix, I’ll try to keep up as best as I can, but not nearly as much…
Amy Inspired by Bethany Pierce
Amy gave up her mundane job to go back to school, get her MFA, and become a published writer. Except she’s not getting published, and she’s struggling with writer’s block. In another dead-end job and disillusionment, Amy worries that she won’t live the meaningful life she’s expected herself to. Cue twenty-something identity crisis. Add to…
A Couple Books I Loved
If you saw my ever growing to-be-read pile, you might wonder how I choose what to read next. Often it comes back to which authors I’ve come to trust. The ones I know I’ll enjoy a good story that I can’t put down. A week ago I read a couple by some of my favorite…
Pass the Antelope, Please
Matthew 6:19-20 – Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Ranch exit. That’s never a good road…
Last Night in Twisted River by John Irving
The plot, improbable as it is: Danny, the twelve-year-old son of a logging community’s cook, walks in on his dad and his dad’s lover (Jane), whom he mistakes as a bear. To be fair, Danny’s dad, nicknamed Cookie, gave Danny a tall-tale about fending off a bear (common in the northeast region) from the house…
Packing What You Need
“Early the next morning Abraham got up and loaded his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about.” Genesis 22:3 NIV When I was younger I thought I knew…
Literary Agent Chip MacGregor on Agents
Somebody sent me this question: “To get a book published, do I need an agent or do publishers still take authors without agents? If I think I need an agent, do I have to have a publishing record to catch an agent’s eye? And if I have an agent, what should I expect? Reviewing, critiquing…
Organize Your Writing Life
What used to be a simple routine of writing in the morning before going to work has morphed into a full-time job of writing as often as possible while also keeping track of a whole list of publicity appointments, editing, more writing projects and, of course, being a mom and a wife. I am here…
Top Ten Mistakes in Manuscripts
by Camy Tang 10) Inadequate use of point of view. I’m not talking about head-hopping. I’m talking about a very distant use of point of view that doesn’t get the reader into the character’s head or feeling the character’s emotions. For a first chapter, especially, this is crucial. If the reader isn’t immediately sucked into…