Busy, Busy, Busy
But what else is new. We’ve been living down at the theatre for the last three weeks and had our first opening night. I posted video on Facebook because it’s easier than posting it here! But I will try and upload some photos! We also had a cast party here Satruday night and the kids…
People read fiction for one thing above all else–emotion. They want to laugh, cry, get warm fuzzies, be surprised, be scared, be so scared they pee their pants! The problem is that too many times writers don’t DELVE into their emotions. They say, “Clark was angry.” or “Clara was excited.” Well, so what? Those are…
My dad sent this to me via email. Hope it brings a smile to your face this Monday morning! Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop. Avoid arguments with the Mrs. about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink. For high blood pressure sufferers: simply…
Waiting Game
Lately, it seems I’m spending quite a bit of time waiting. Waiting for projects to get finished. Waiting in carpool lines. Waiting for a letter to arrive. Waiting for a page to load. Waiting for the Next Thing. I’m not a very good “wait-er.” I feel impatience start rising from my toes and hit my…
13 Planned Interruptions to Enjoy the Christmas Season
Oldie but Goodie The whole month of December is often a big interruption in people’s schedules. I consider it a nice change of pace although we need to be careful and not stretch ourselves too thin at this time of year. Everyday things still have to be done: going to work, paying bills, fixing dinners,…
Handling the Big Rejection
Q: How do you handle rejection? A: Before or after I stick pins in my eyes and swallow hot coals? No, of course I don’t do that. I usually shave my head, exchange my clothes for sackcloth, and spend days of solitary isolation sitting on a heap of ashes. Okay, seriously, unfortunately, rejection is a…
Leave It To Chance
It is time for the FIRST Blog Tour! On the FIRST day of every month we feature an author and his/her latest book’s FIRST chapter! The feature author is: Sherri Sand and his/her book: Leave it to ChanceDavid C. Cook (May 2008) ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Sherri Sand is a wife and mother of four young…
Lesson Learned: Check
by Guest Author Mike Dellosso Mother Theresa once said, “You’ll never realize Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you got.” How true! Life gets busy, the appointment book fills up, plans are made, schedules set, gotta go here, go there, do this, meet them. We got it; we can handle it. There’s…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving day is a great excuse for surrounding yourself with loved ones and reflecting on the big and little blessings of our lives. I love the Jewish Home Blessing, which states: “May its doors be open to those in need, and its rooms be filled with kindness. May joy shine from its windows. And His…
Vote for a Great Video and Friend!
My ICRS videographer who’s attending Full Sail in Orlando entered this contest and he’s a finalist! Check it out! I do think it’s the best! Vote for Kennnyvert and his catchy tune if you agree!