Maybe I Shouldn’t Vote!
You Should Maybe Be Allowed to Vote You got 7/15 questions correct. You’re somewhat in the know, but you’re not as informed as you think you are.Your political information is a little old or incorrect. Consider studying up a bit before you cast you vote! You want to make sure you know where you stand.…
Just Wondering if You’ve been Missing…
While losing my blogging steam (and gaining my writing my novel steam) it seems this wonderful column has been neglected. So if you’re a writing mom and want to be featured here, let me know! I’d love to give you a guest blog spot here, while my interviews are on hiatus. I’ll probably repost some…
Giving Back
Butchering chickens, wildcrafting, soap making, pressure canning, making herbal tinctures and supertonics–I’m fascinated by these basic survival skills, but primarily, I’m a homeschooling mom who loves to write. Meaning, I’m busy already and have plenty to learn! But to learn, one needs a teacher. Books and online resources can be excellent initiators to a subject,…
Can You Hear Me Now?
Again Jesus began to teach by the lake. The crowd that gathered around him was so large that he got into a boat and sat in it out on the lake, while all the people were along the shore at the water’s edge. Mark 4:1 NIV “You won’t believe what happened,” my husband…
Write for the Reader
“I write what I would like to read–what I think other women would like to read. If what I write makes a woman in the Canadian mountains cry and she writes and tells me about it, especially if she says ‘I read it to Tom when he came in from work and he cried too,’…
Carnival of Christian Writers #24 ~ October 2008
Carnival of Christian Writers #24 – October 2008 This month we have a variety of entries that will be sureto inspire and encourage you in this most colorful season! When you visit contributor links be sure to leave a comment &let them know you are there from the Carnival of Christian Writers! Literary Agent Terry…
The Ripple Effect by Paul McCusker
It’s the 21st, time for the Teen FIRST blog tour!(Join our alliance! Click the button!) Every 21st, we will feature an author and his/her latest Teen fiction book’s FIRST chapter! Paul McCusker and his book: Ripple Effect (Time Thriller Trilogy, Book 1) Zondervan (October 1, 2008) Paul McCusker is the author of The Mill House,…
Solomon Summaries
Heather Goodman is an ultra cool writing/blogging buddy who is a voracious reader of all kinds of books. Not only is she down to earth, but she’s spiritually, intellectually and philosophically deep! Deeper than me, that’s for sure, and I’d like to share with you about her and her new ultra cool Solomon Summaries project.…
Blogging Hiatus?
And I’m seriously thinking of extending it! Ever since ICRS I’ve been losing steam for blogging. I’ve cut down on the product reviews and blog tours I’m doing and no one seems to be complaining. My weekly blogging schedule has been slacking and I can’t seem to muster up the energy to do all the…