Family Traditions Ringing Bros.
“The circus, the circus, I love the circus!” Okay, who doesn’t, (can you guess what Disney movie that’s from?) And no one does the circus better than Ringling Bros. I can’t remember my first Ringling Bros. circus, but I do remember the excitement and awe of watching the high wire and traipse acts! Not to…
Sign Up for My Newsletter! INTERLUDE!
Since I’m a little techno challenged and haven’t figured out how to put one of those handy little newsletter sign ups in the side bar yet, I’ll have to do it the old fashioned way and ask you to email me at portraitwriter (at) gmail (dot) com if you’d like to receive my newsletter. If…
Take Courage
The storm must have whipped up so quickly they didn’t even have time to lower the sails. It was a pleasant evening; all was going well. They were just supposed to cross the sea, not battle the forces of nature. But plans changed. Dark storm clouds climbed across the sky like a pack of hungry…
Only 24 Hours in My Day
Idyllic perfectly describes our summer. Plenty of time to hang out together, garden, entertain, plan camping trips with friends. I have to admit, one of the biggest perks of summer, to me, is just plain “time” out. Time to keep the house clean, for instance. Then another school year begins. The alarm clock moves back…
Sharing the Writing Journey
Be nice to your writing pals because the world of publishing grows smaller and smaller as you go. Not only do you want your friends beside you, but you never know where you will each end up years down the road. A few months ago I participated in a book signing at Barnes and Noble Cheyenne with…
Carnival of Christian Writers #22 ~ August 2008
August 2008 Carnival of Christian Writers! When you visit contributor links be sure to leave a comment & let them know you are there from the Carnival of Christian Writers! In “Writing Honest”, suspense author and cancer survivor Mike Dellosso talks about learning to let honesty permeate your writing and baring your soul through…
Time Keeps Tickin’
Time is not our friend. Let’s talk about a stark reality, shall we? We all have an appointment to keep. That appointment is set, there is no changing it or rescheduling and no one knows when it will come due. But it will. Sooner or later. And no matter what we do, time doesn’t slow…
A bad case of CAS (Cleaning Avoidance Syndrome)
Sometimes I wonder if only writers think this way. I can’t get the a scene in the Wizard of Oz out of my mind. Remember when Dorothy is walking through the woods with her entourage and chanting… “Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!” That’s how I feel about venturing into my teenager’s bathroom these…
Purpose Driven Life
I have just begun reading The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. I’m on day 2 of a 40 day program. I have had this book for some time. Every once and a while I would look at it, but decide to wait to start it. Doesn’t that scream of a person who needs a…
In God We Trust?
MSNBC is taking a poll as to whether Americans believe the saying “In God We Trust” should stay or be removed from our currency. How do you think America is voting? How would you vote?