
Saturday Summer Savings #6

Okay so this little meme column isn’t catching on like I thought it might. You people must be made of money. Where are your tips on saving money? I’m not even going to mess with Mr. Linky tis week. Just put your suggestions in the comment section… Come on, I know you have them! I…

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Little By Little

I remember what is was like looking at published authors. They seemed to have everything together … and I seemed so lost on God’s plan for me. I’ve been looking back at old journals and it helps to remember how far God has brought me. Maybe this will also encourage those of you who are…

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Learning to Love Books

“…When I was old enough to check out books from our school library I discovered more stories at my fingertips, but they seemed very limited compared to the books at grandma’s house. When grandma started to let me choose one book per month from her books-by-mail library program, I could hardly believe my luck. One…

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Chris’ Essay

As I turned, stated my final good byes, and watched the departure of my ride, I felt an eerie chill run down my spine, not so much of fear, but also of excitement. I inhaled a deep breath, trying to rid my brain of the prodding bombardments of this fearful nature. I entered a room…

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Promotion: to do or not to do

How much time do you spend on promoting? That’s a question I ask myself periodically. Lately it has crept up again. Promotion for an author is becoming more and more important. But where do you draw the line? If you spend too much time promoting, that means you aren’t writing. How do you balance promoting…

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You must remember this…or maybe not

 I found a link that may help when we’re writing to be more aware of the audience we’re targeting. My epiphany for the significance of frame of reference came one school year when I was discussing the assassination of President Kennedy. As a teacher, I know enough to realize when the eyes of everyone in…

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Interrupted Writer!?!

Can you relate!?!

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Congratulations Christy Winners!

The Christy Award banquet last night was like walking into a room full of old friends. Well, not at first. At first it was like walking into a room full of strangers, but even the strangers soon became quick friends. Having arrived alone, I stood back and observed as people gathered and socialized.  It was…

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Saturday Summer Savings #5

Okay so this little meme column isn’t catching on like I thought it might. You people must be made of money. Where are your tips on saving money? I’m not even going to mess with Mr. Linky tis week. Just put your suggestions in the comment section… Come on, I know you have them! I…

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Pressure and Time

  And we, who with unveiled faces all reflet the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.   2 Corinthians 3:18  NIV   Have you ever stopped to consider how our lives as Christians are comparable to the life of a diamond? It…

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