House of Dark Shadows by Robert Liparulo
This week, the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance is introducing a double pair House of Dark Shadows and Watcher In The Woods (Books 1 and 2 in the Dreamhouse Kings Series) Thomas Nelson (May 6, 2008) by Robert Liparulo ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Robert is an award-winning author of over a thousand published articles and short stories.…
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus…
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. Psalm 51: 1-2 NIV I loved playing in the rain when I was a kid. I walked right beside the curb where all the water gathered on its…
The dream continues
PART TWO of When the dream’s big enough (Part One here) After I wore the first layer of skin off my pointer finger jabbing numbers on the cell phone to announce my new agent-ness, I allowed myself to just, well, soak in the absolute blessed luxury of the experience. The most amazing aspect of it…
Fossil Hunter by John Olson
It is time to play a Wild Card! Every now and then, a book that I have chosen to read is going to pop up as a FIRST Wild Card Tour. Get dealt into the game! (Just click the button!) Wild Card Tours feature an author and his/her book’s FIRST chapter! You never know when…
Hooking your Reader…week 4! Starting on the RUN
Ack! Susan May Warren back after a two week OOPs! where I woke in the middle of the night going…uh oh, I forgot to blog on WI!! Just to catch us up…we were chatting last month about HOOKING your reader. We talked about: StakesHero/Heroine identificationAnchoring – So – let’s voyage on. Our 4th component to…
Excuse Me if I Wax
I’ve been waxing philosophical lately. I’m thinking deep thoughts of intellectual and spiritual enlightenment, reflecting on eternal truths and life lessons. It’s the kind of thing that happens when you reach a major milestone in life. You see that mile marker coming toward you and suddenly you want to turn around and look back at…
The Power of a Conjunction: but
Have you ever thought about the power of a conjunction? A conjunction connects words, phrases, or clauses. It builds bridges between words, pathways linking words that may have otherwise never been united. One of my favorite popular and powerful conjunctions is but. A sentence can skip along in one direction, then with the addition of…
Letting My Baby Go
I remember when we sent our oldest daughter, Laura, off to her first day at public school. Memories of her first seven years at home floated through my mind. The “play times” we’d shared. The times when I was home alone with her, playing baby dolls, and she would stop, look at me with her…
The Value of “Losing”
For me the question of trusting God is not so much a question of whether trusting God works but a question of looking at the stark evidence presented by my own experience of living closely with Him that it does every single time—win or lose. Many people treat God like a vending machine. “I want…
Dragon Light by Donita K. Paul
It is June FIRST, time for the FIRST Blog Tour! (Join our alliance! Click the button!) The FIRST day of every month we will feature an author and his/her latest book’s FIRST chapter! The feature author is: Donita K. Paul and her book: DragonLight WaterBrook Press (June 17, 2008) ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Donita K. Paul…