
The Final Countdown

Does anyone remember the eighties hair band, Europe? Today their song “The Final Countdown” has been playing over and over in my head. It sounds silly, but now that the countdown to Ruby Among Us is less than two months away, I’m really starting to get excited. “The Final Countdown” just seems so fitting. There are…

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The Publishing Route For Some

By W. Terry Whalin With a glance at my background, you can see that I’ve always been committed to traditional publishing. It’s an ongoing part of my work to continue training authors to successfully craft their book ideas for the biggest possible publisher. It’s why I love writers and have been continuing to answer their…

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Writer Interrupted…to research

Help! I need to find out what a dead body looks like after being in the water for 24 hours (a bayou to be exact). Or, I need to describe how an alligator sounds. These are just a few things I had to stop writing on my current story and dig around until I found…

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Raising Ragpickers

The savior in Og Mandino’s “The Greatest Miracle in the World” is a mysterious old man with an affinity for what he calls human rags. In the story Og is the rag-an ambitious, successful magazine publisher who is burning out faster than a single-shot firecracker. The irony is that his magazine is about Success, but…

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What Lies Within

I got my first exposure to Karen Ball at the 2005 ACFW conference. It was my first writing conference, and she was the keynoter. She did an amazing job of blending humor, heart-wrenching honesty, and spiritual depth in her talks. What Lies Within is the first of her books that I have read all the…

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When I Am Weak

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9 I don’t like to feel like a weak person. I’m sure it stems from my childhood. Growing up, I remember my dad screaming and yelling all the time. It was either that, or he wouldn’t speak to anyone…

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Michelle Sutton’s review of The Betrayed by Lisa T. Bergren

About the book: A religious thriller. An epic historical. An award-winning author with one million books in print. Second in the breathtaking trilogy. The first book in Lisa T. Bergren’s Gifted trilogy, The Begotten, was hailed by Library Journal as “a full-bodied, absorbing tale that combines authentic historical detail with a universally appealing and gripping…

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GROWING GRAMMAR: Where were you on National Grammar Day?

In case you neglected to mark this on your calendar, and since Hallmark has not yet officially designated it a greeting-card holiday, you may have missed: In the name of educational fun (and, no, that’s not an oxymoron), and to exercise your pointer finger, I’m providing the following links for your clicking: The Society for…

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On Medals, Awards and a Rock Named Stretch

My husband was frustrated with the amount of clutter and debris piled into our closets and drawers. “Every single thing you open has a bunch of junk in it,” he said, disgustedly. “I mean, just take a look at this drawer,” he pulled open a drawer from a small desk in our bedroom. In it…

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Writer Interrupted

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 NIV Writer’s block? Overwhelmed? Feeling drained? We all can admit to these feelings on occasion. Our Heavenly Father is waiting to give us a helping hand. I will refresh the weary and satisfy the…

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