The Snowball Effect
One thing I’ve learned in the last few years is that the work you put into your writing tends to snowball. It starts small and is easy to handle. As you keep working, it grows and grows, and suddenly . . . (if all goes well) suddenly it’s a monster. You’ve created something huge! This…
Marketing POD Style
Last week I talked about what being published with a POD (print-on-demand) publisher is like for me. The question of how marketing differs from traditional publishing came up, and my answer might surprise you–it’s not as different as you think. Most new authors launch their early books with little (or no) paid advertising from their publishers,…
Time Management 101: The Schedule!
Well…back to the grind! I’m getting myself back on track by thinking of what lays ahead for the year. Which of course found me staring at my calendar… I have to say the living by a schedule helps me to organize my time and keep on track … BUT it helps to remember that the…
Twice in the last week I got called. The first was by a lady whose children are the same age as mine. This lady is someone I’ve admired for many years. The purpose of her call was to see if I would run for the school board of my daughters’ school. She told me the…
Quick Fiction Fixes – Show don’t tell emotions, part one
We’re all busy, whether working full-time or chasing/chauffeuring kids around all day. Yet we’re also writers, striving to get our words on paper and then polish it to a sparkle. This column gives quick fixes for fiction manuscripts specifically for busy writers. Pick and choose what works best for you! Show don’t tell: Writing emotions…
Laughter and Immunity
Two of my kids are sneezing up a storm and I’m desperately trying to avoid their germs. My approach is twofold. I’m upping my intake of juice – and I pulled out my stash of humor books. It’s no secret that laughter is good medicine, but just how good may be rather eye opening. Research…
Time Management 101: Friends and Family
“How do you do it all?” Is the #1 question I get. I have to start by saying that I’ve worked through many of these things in the last year with my life coach Judy Baer. She helps me “think through” trouble areas of my life and find a solution … what a concept! I…
How to better your chances in a contest
We are heading into writing contest season, which got me to thinking (sometimes a dangerous thing for me to do). I have judged contests over the years and have found there are some wonderful writing voices, still undiscovered, just waiting for the right story to hit the right editor’s desk. So how can these writers…
Review: Splitting Harriet by Tamara Leigh
I love to read Chick Lit and Tamara Leigh has become a favorite, right up there with Kristin Billerbeck in her ability to create characters that impact me. Harriet Bisset is no exception. In fact, there are many points from this book that I am still pondering after the reading. Harriet Bisset is a reformed…