Carnival of Christian Writers #15 – December 2007
Carnival of Christian Writers #15 – December 2007 The Best of 2007 In this month’s carnival you will find a great collection of contributor’sbest blog posts for 2007. The best of 2007 . . . In “Those Stinkin’ Rejection Letters“, Rachelle Gardner tells what rejection is like from the other side…
Getting a New Computer
We know from the Bible that when Jesus comes into our lives, we become a new person in Christ. But do we really understand this concept? Recently I was trying to explain it to a friend of mine, and this friend kept coming back with fear. “I don’t want to lose myself.” When we finally…
Our Radical Sabbatical Part II
There are only twenty-four hours in a day. Why was it then that I felt like I was spending twenty-three of those hours behind my steering wheel? Last January, in an attempt to regain control of our busy and sometimes chaotic lives, my husband and I decided to give our four children (ages 6-16) an…
Our Radical Sabbatical
Talking with my girlfriend this past New Years’ Eve, we commiserated with each other about all the time spent driving kids back and forth to different activities each week. Our conversation revolved around disgust in our ‘captivity of activity’. Later she asked me if I had made a New Years’ resolution yet this year. Like…
Snowstorms and Soup
We are such creatures of habit, aren’t we? For instance, every time a true snowstorm blows in I begin craving potato soup. Thankfully, the writer in me always keeps a mini-journal in the margins of my favorite recipes…otherwise I probably wouldn’t have realized the connection between my favorite potato soup recipe and deep snowfalls! Rarely…
Quick Fiction Fixes – Utilize character point of view to show emotion
We’re all busy, whether working full-time or chasing/chauffeuring kids around all day. Yet we’re also writers, striving to get our words on paper and then polish it to a sparkle. This column gives quick fixes for fiction manuscripts specifically for busy writers. Pick and choose what works best for you! Utilize Point of View: Each…
A Resolution Worth Keeping
It’s not even Christmas and I’m thinking about New Year’s resolutions. While most people make resolutions to get more organized, lose weight or break a bad habit, my resolution this year is much more practical. As the author of several books on home management, most people have the impression that I must be highly organized…