Battling Stress

I came across this article I did for a magazine that was never published and since the holidays are upon us, I think it’s worth a second look! Maybe I can learn a thing or two.

Stress…It’s all around us. Some stress, like the situation the world is in today, is beyond our control. Other stress, like the pressures of our daily lives, is manageable. Whether you’re a stay a home mom with four kids or a working single, everyone experiences stress.

Stress is not caused by what happens to us, but by how we deal with our circumstances. It is possible to control our levels of stress by first changing our behaviors and thoughts. No matter what kind of pressures you are facing, how you deal with stress will affect your attitude and quality of life. Stress is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to control yours.

Nurture. It’s what women do best … except when it comes to themselves. The challenge for women is to put their needs before the needs of their families
So before you jumpstart your day taking care of others, first fuel yourself. If there’s nothing in your tank, you won’t get very far. Whether you choose to get up early to exercise or have some quiet time later on in the day… do it for yourself and don’t feel guilty about it.

In addition to daily quiet time, women need time away from their responsibilities. Scheduling a “girl’s night out” once a month is one way to stay connected with friends and yourself.

It’s also important to take care of yourself physically through exercise and proper nutrition. Becky Long, nutrition consultant with the Shaklee Corporation says, when you are stressed your body produces adrenaline to help handle the crisis. “This adrenaline rush helps you through the immediate problem, but causes depletion of several nutrients. The nutrients used up during stress are B-complex, Vitamin C, calcium and magnesium. By adding supplements you can counteract many of the effects of stress on your body,” said Long.

“If stress continues over long periods of time, the immune system is weakened, you get sick more often and may be irritable,” explained Long. During stress your body also produces another hormone called cortisol, which can damage every organ and affect long-term health. “Our Stress Relief Complex has been designed to help blunt cortisol production.” It promotes calmness at the same time allowing you “to be more alert and concentrate during times of stress”.
Schedule time to get organized for the day’s events. “You need to make a list and set realistic goals,” said Susan Butler, of All Things Organized.

Valencia McNatt, of A to Z Organized Solutions, agrees with Butler and says to determine what things you really need to accomplish and give them priority. “Also determine what things you can delegate and what can be relegated to another day.”

One tool Butler suggests to help get organized is their Household Organizer. “It has a to do list, family schedules, calendars and even a grocery list,” she explained. “If you’re going to be a list maker it’s important to have it all in one place and know where it is.”

KEEPING HOUSEIt never fails. You go over to a friend’s house and notice how clean their home is. You silently wish your house could look as orderly as theirs. Reality check. Your friend has probably just spent three hours scrubbing and straightening up anticipating your arrival. Or maybe she knows the secret to keeping her house picked up.

“Everybody needs a pick up basket,” shared Butler. “If company is coming everyone can throw things in the basket to be put away later.”

Another great way to get things done is to have the kids help. “Children as young as two want to be included,” acknowledged Butler. Besides picking up toys, young children can help dust, sort laundry, set and clear the table, unload the dishwasher, carry in groceries and sweep the floor. Just remember they won’t do every perfect, but at least it’ll get done.

Kristeen Popken, of Kristeen’s Angel’s Cleaning Service, knows first hand if you take time to maintain your home, you may only have to deep clean once a month. One of the easiest and quickest way to make your house look like you’ve been cleaning for hours clean is to vacuum and touch up the kitchen floor. “You can vacuum or use a swifter, and then spot clean with a wet cloth,” said Popken. “I always go over the ledges and baseboard with a wet cloth. It helps create the illusion of a freshly mopped floor.”

Using a micro fiber cloth and the hottest water possible when you clean kitchen counter tops will also cut down on your cleaning time. “I use Miracle Cloths because they help break down the buildup on countertops,” shared Popken. She also recommends using Clorox wipes or baby wipes for a quick touch up in the bathroom.

So you’ve mastered the art of cleaning, but are still overwhelmed by that one closet or desk that is a disaster area. You have several choices. Ignore it in hopes that the mess will go away, hire a professional organizer like Susan Butler and Valencia McNatt or tackle the project one step at a time.

Butler suggests setting small goals and working for 15 minutes at a time. “Look at the most frustrating part of your house and start there. Don’t start another thing unless you have that one thing done.”

“You have to make staying organized a habit,” said McNatt. “If you take the time and energy to dig out of disorganized living, then it only takes a small investment of time daily and weekly to stay organized.”

Making decisions is the key to staying organized. “Our clients hire us because they feel frustrated and overwhelmed. We help them make decisions,” said Butler. Butler encourages her clients to “save, store, share or subtract” their things. First determine if it’s something you have used or will use in the next year. If not throw it away or give it away. If you can’t part with it because of sentimental reasons, you can always store it.

No matter how many things we put on our list, the reality is it won’t all get done. But don’t stress out about it. Consider it a victory if you accomplish only two. Learn how to refocus your expectations not on perfection, but on consistency.

“Be sure to give yourself credit and praise for what you did accomplish,” shared McNatt. “And don’t stress over what didn’t get done.”

It’s important for busy women, especially moms, to enlist the help of others as much as possible. “Get your family involved in organizing so your work load will be less,” said McNatt. “Make up helping games for younger children and give them praise and rewards for a job well done. You can train your older children by allowing them to work along side you. They’ll learn life skills and to value what it takes to run a household.”

You and your family should set personal and family goals every year. It’s important to write them down so when you are faced with choosing to take on another responsibility you can determine if it fits into your goals. Butler says if it will help you reach your life goals than feel free to say yes. But if it doesn’t, don’t hesitate to say no.

Realize children can get stressed also. It’s not necessary for every child to be involved in every sport, every season. Determine what is best for you and your family and evaluate how your schedule is working each season or semester.


There are some things that are totally out of our control. Just look at the world around us. There’s so much going on and if we let it, fear can easily control our lives. It’s important to look at the big picture and not at the “What ifs?” Be aware of what’s happening around you, but don’t let it control your life. Your life has enough worries. Don’t add any more stress to it than necessary.

Gina Conroy

Gina Conroy

From the day I received my first diary in the second grade, I've had a passion expressing myself through writing. Later as a journalist and novelist, I realized words, if used powerfully, have the ability to touch, stir, and reach from the depths of one soul to another. Today as a writing and health coach, I inspire others to live their extraordinary life and encourage them to share their unique stories. For daily inspiration follow me on and check out my books here