Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe…Again

Joey wanted to audition for the show. last year he got a small part, but declined it. He had to make an on the spot decision and Joey is NEVER good at making quick choices. Later he was a little disappointed he didn’t get in the show, but enjoyed watching it.

Chris  was Edmund last year and didn’t want to audition. He was swamped with homework and had no clue how he’d fit it in. I was a little disappointed, but I respected his wishes thinking it was actually pretty mature of him to make that decision. Little did I know that hubby and son had a long conversation about this and Chris secretly prayed that if God wanted him in the show, the director would call him.

To my surprise, we got a call on Thursday. The director said they had a low turn out for auditions and was still looking for a Peter. They wanted someone who could do a British accent and he wanted to know if Chris wanted to audition for the part.

He didn’t mention anything about Joey until a little later. They were considering him for Edmund, but because of his height (he’s a little guy) it might not work with their Lucy.

After the family talked, Chris started to warm up to the idea. He was really torn on several different levels. He wasn’t enthusiastic about the part, but if they needed him, he didn’t want to let them down. He had prayed if God wanted him in the play, they would call and they did. And he really didn’t want to be with his brother on stage, though bossing him around might be fun. Not to mention there still was all that school work. The last time we did the show they were home schooled. This year they have to get to school by 8 am.

Long story short, we accepted the parts, knowing it would be a big strain on the family, also knowing that Chris pretty much knows the lines from last year and can take his homework with him, and knowing that Joey’s part would interfer with football. (When we signed up for footbal we thought (and were told) the games would be on Saturdays. There’s not ONE game on Saturday. They’re all on the nights the play practices. He’ll have to miss some of each.)

So for the next six weeks it’s going to be crazy with play practice and two kids in football. We haven’t even started and I can’t wait until it’s over! But it’s still really exciting. Both my boys will be in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!

I couldn’t be prouder!

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Gina Conroy

Gina Conroy

From the day I received my first diary in the second grade, I've had a passion expressing myself through writing. Later as a journalist and novelist, I realized words, if used powerfully, have the ability to touch, stir, and reach from the depths of one soul to another. Today as a writing and health coach, I inspire others to live their extraordinary life and encourage them to share their unique stories. For daily inspiration follow me on and check out my books here