10, 20, 30 Years Ago!

I’ve been tagged by Georgiana, and this looked like a fun trip down memory lane!

In 1997 I was 28, almost 29, and mom to Chris who just turned three, and Joey who was 7 months old. We were finally settled in our new dream home and I was busy trying to figure out how to parent my high-spirited, strong-willed toddler (Now that he’s 13, I’m trying to figure out how to parent my high-spirited, strong-willed teen!) I had shelved my WIP for by then and many years after too exhausted to even think of writing.

I was probably making plans to go on my husband’s annual company trip in January. This year it was to Hawaii, and I still wasn’t decided if I was taking Joey who was still nursing or if I would wean him. I ended up weaning Joey (heck, it was a FREE trip to Hawaii.) It was the first time we left the boys for a week! They were at my mother in laws, and I only worried about them the first day. Then I forgot I was a mom and enjoyed my FREE trip to Hawaii!

In 1987 I was a month shy from 19 and in my sophomore year at college. No longer did I expereince the carefree, magical days of my freshman year, meeting new people and feeling for the first time in my life real joy and excitement about my life. Sophomore year was an incredible challenge for me and my roommate who happened to be the chaplain on my floor. Somehow we took on the responsiblity of helping a friend on the floor who had Cerebal Palsy (when her aid wasn’t around) and it was the most trying time of my life to date. My roommate and I became burdened and burned out by our friend’s physical needs, though it was a tremendous time of blessing and pain.

In 1977 I was almost nine years old and in 4th grade. I was a very shy and insecure child. My dad had been out of the home for 3 years and I really didn’t remember him in the home, though we got to see him on weekends. I remember my classroom, not having great penmanship, being embarrassed about my parents divorce and having the boy I had a crush on say “so what” when the rival girl told him. I remember being in a class play (Tom Sawyer) where I was Ingun Joe and at first we thought he was a SHE. I also remember being checked for lice! YUCK! And I probably got my “bowl” hair cut that year because I remember having the disgusting little critters.

I hated my short hair and swore to never have short hair again. The shortest I’ve gone since then has been to my shoulder.

I can’t remember how many I’m suppose to tag, so I tag

Katherine @ Raising Five

Beck @ Frog and Toad are Still Friends

Paula @ Grace Reign

Darlene Schachts @ CWO

Claudia Mair Burney @ Raggamuffin Diva

And don’t forget to let me know when you post!

Gina Conroy

Gina Conroy

From the day I received my first diary in the second grade, I've had a passion expressing myself through writing. Later as a journalist and novelist, I realized words, if used powerfully, have the ability to touch, stir, and reach from the depths of one soul to another. Today as a writing and health coach, I inspire others to live their extraordinary life and encourage them to share their unique stories. For daily inspiration follow me on https://www.facebook.com/gina.conroy and check out my books here https://amzn.to/3lUx9Pi