What to Expect: Guide to a Healthy Home

Flu and cold season is already upon us. So far we’ve been able to avoid the Flu. In fact, we’ve avoided it for years most likely because I’m a germaphobic, but not in an ODC kind of way.

We use germX every time we leave the grocery store and before we eat. My kids don’t need to be reminded to wash their hands, in fact they police their friends and listen for the water running when their friends are using our bathroom. If they don’t hear the water, the kid is “reminded” to wash their hands.

Despite our aversion to germs, Grace has caught a couple of things this year. So when I heard Heidi Murkoff, the What to Expect When Your Expecting author, was helping to spread the work about having a healthy home, I wanted to hear what she had to say!

I LOVED the first line. “Here’s some good news that might surprise you: Your house is cleaner than you think.” Well, she hasn’t been to my house lately!

The guide is full of stress free ways to make your home healthier and encourages us to use what I already use: Clorox Disinfecting Wipes. I use them for everything from wiping sinks, to the toilets. They’re quick and easy and disposable, my favorite feature! I buy them by the threes at Sam’s.

Here are just some of the great tips:

Germs breed in bathroom towels. Assign everyone their own towel.

Close the toilet when you flush. Water vapor and toilet contents ERUPT every time you flush. Thinking about changing that toothbrush you leave out?

There may be more germs in your car than the bathroom. Has she been looking in my car?

Three second rule myth! If it falls on the ground at home, it’s relatively safe (though since we got a dog I wouldn’t eat off of any surface), but outside, it’s a definite NO! Think of all the dogs and people and gunk on their shoes which walked over the surface you just ate off of. Germs only need a second to attach to your food. In fact, every time my family gets home from a road trip (think, the most disgusting public restrooms EVER, I make them take off their shoes outside and I spray them down. I don’t even allow shoes to be worn in the house. The thought of the stuff you step in getting on my carpet grosses me out.

One of the only things I don’t agree with in this guide it to get the flu shot. My family hasn’t gotten the flu shot or the flu in years. We eat right, take our vitamins and wash, wash, wash. I’m just not crazy about getting injected with all the other junk they put in vaccines. I did my homework once and some vaccines are full of Mercury. Not good for anyone!

Okay, found another thing I don’t totally agree with. They say not to worry so much about public restroom germs. WHAT? Have you seen some of the public restrooms lately. They are nasty. That’s why I mastered the squat years ago and cringe every time I have  put paper on the toilet for Grace (boys are so much easier) and I just hate it when her pants and underwear rub up against the toilet! Though according to this guide, there’s not too much danger in public restroom germs.

To download this health guide go to www.clorox.com/healthierlives.

So what are some ways you’re OCD about germs and keeping healthy?

Gina Conroy

Gina Conroy

From the day I received my first diary in the second grade, I've had a passion expressing myself through writing. Later as a journalist and novelist, I realized words, if used powerfully, have the ability to touch, stir, and reach from the depths of one soul to another. Today as a writing and health coach, I inspire others to live their extraordinary life and encourage them to share their unique stories. For daily inspiration follow me on https://www.facebook.com/gina.conroy and check out my books here https://amzn.to/3lUx9Pi