Interrupted by…Doubt


How many times was I interrupted as I sat down to write this post? Ten, twenty, fifty? Interruptions mount up in the form of time stealers and myriad tasks that love to divert your attention. You’re familiar with the same ones I am, like sick kids, phone calls and laundry, and if we’re really getting honest we’ll admit to zoning out in front of the television. Tell me I’m not the only one!

But have you ever considered emotional interruptions?

Emotional interruptions are sneakier and more subtle in their approach, but their bite is more venomous than any time stealer I’ve ever encountered. Time suckers can keep me sidetracked anywhere from ten minutes to several hours, away from the keyboard and longing to dive back into my fictive world. But an emotional interruption—doubt, in particular—can derail me for weeks. (Think how many words could have been written in that amount of time!)

There have been occasions when doubt crippled my ability and desire to write. The symptoms of a doubt-filled writer: avoiding the keyboard, a profound lack of purpose, endless questioning. Am I really following God’s plan? Could my time be put to better use for my family? Will this all be a waste? Raise your hand if you’ve been there!

Fortunately I have fabulous friends who pick me up and set me back in place—and some who give me a firm kick when I need it. You have to love the buddy system, and the people God puts alongside us to keep us on His path.

It got me to thinking how valuable the buddy system has been in my writing journey and how there might be something more to it. There are times, after all, we need to keep ourselves encouraged and chase away doubt. It’s easy to say, “Have faith,” but how can we put it into practice?

I came up with a few actions steps to help when doubt crashes the party:

B—Be honest. Many times doubt creeps in because we aren’t sure we’re capable of achieving our goals and dreams. Be realistic about WHY you want to write and what is and isn’t within your control. Dig deep with God and know that you’re on the path He has designated for you. The truth that we’re seeking God’s purpose to the best of our ability helps alleviate unnecessary pressure, and therefore doubt.

U—Understand that everyone faces doubt. A contract doesn’t make it go away and neither will hitting the bestseller list. There’s always something—another level, another goal to reach—we’ll be striving toward, and oftentimes missing the mark. Temporarily missing the mark is not the end of your dream!

D—Do the next thing next. As a writer, you should always have a list of projects: writing the next chapter, submitting your proposal, writing a blog post. You’ll be too busy to doubt. If doubt stands in the way, run it over!

D—Do activities that nurture you—not just the “writer you” but the “whole you.” Exercise, paint, pray, knit, read, take a class, do a Bible study. It’s important to have success and fulfillment in other areas, that way when you experience the disappointments that inevitably crop up with writing you will have something else to look forward to. The more you’re filled up with God and good things, the less room there is for doubt.

Y—Yodel! OK, I couldn’t really think of a fitting “Y” verb, but now that I think of it, yodeling sounds like fun. Who knows, it might be a great stress reliever!

The BUDDY System in action, along with prayer, friends and knowing that God loves you because you’re His precious treasure, not for your publishing credits, can help you overcome doubt. After all, we have a greater purpose and simply don’t have time to wrestle with doubt and her evil twin discouragement.

So the next time I spiral into doubt and panic—yes, I’m prone to both but panic is a whole ‘nother post!—someone please be a buddy and remind me about Buddy!

How about you? What’s helped you overcome doubt in the past? Have you had other emotional interruptions and how did you overcome them?

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Gina Conroy

Gina Conroy

From the day I received my first diary in the second grade, I've had a passion expressing myself through writing. Later as a journalist and novelist, I realized words, if used powerfully, have the ability to touch, stir, and reach from the depths of one soul to another. Today as a writing and health coach, I inspire others to live their extraordinary life and encourage them to share their unique stories. For daily inspiration follow me on and check out my books here