Things that Make me go Ouch
One Foot in front of the Other
Do you ever feel like the Winter Warlock in Santa Claus is coming to town? The one who is all grouchy and scary on the outside, but deep down he has a heart of gold. He masks his pain with a frozen layer of ice and snow, and reeks havoc on those around him. Yet…
Orland or Bust!
As you read this we’ve probably been driving for several hours on day two to Orlando. I hope this trip is uneventful. Nothing like last time… Here’s an entry I wrote two years ago on our road trip to Disney World. Day 1 Monday, May 2005 We woke up early and drove all day. A…
We’ve Decided…I Need Help!
HOMESCHOOL REFLECTIONS As this year of homeschooling comes to an end, I thought it would be fun and interesting to take a trip down memory lane. So I’ll be posting a series of homeschool posts from my past (old dead blog) and reflecting on what I’ve written and if things have really changed every Thursday.…
Family Ties
A few weeks ago I wrote an email to my dad sharing my real feelings about certain promises he’s made and never followed through with recently and over the years. The story is long, and I won’t bore you with the details, but I will say that my father left our family when I was…
School: A Muliple Choice Question?
I’m tired of always second guessing myself about homeschooling. I’m tired of my unfulfilled idealistic visions for homeschool. The first year, I planned my curriculum and thought we’d do fun projects and read, snuggled up on the couch. Then reality hit. Homeschooling two kids with a two-year-old tornado didn’t work very well. Plus how much…
You are Dulcinea, God’s Beloved
Tonight I went to see Broadway’s Don Quixote. Though I vaguely knew the story of the crazed man who fought windmills, I didn’t know God would use this story to speak to my heart. Filled with interesting and wretched characters (which completely contrast with Don Quixote’s virtues of honor, love and valiancy), the story took…
Website Woes
Why, oh why did I ever want to tackle a website. Learning the code for blogger was hard enough. Now I got this website, with a host and a control panel that looks Greek to me. Guess I know now why the smart ones get a website designer. But alas, I’m a poor starving (well,…
In Due Time
I received this devotional in my inbox from the daily Tozer devotionals from Literature Ministries International. It came at just the right time for me. Maybe it’s also a good time for you! Trials and Pain: Not Yet “Due Time” But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall…
Battling Stress
I came across this article I did for a magazine that was never published and since the holidays are upon us, I think it’s worth a second look! Maybe I can learn a thing or two. Stress…It’s all around us. Some stress, like the situation the world is in today, is beyond our control. Other…
Confessions of a Sinner Saved by Grace
Sometimes I feel like I’m just dripping with sin and no matter how God sees me and forgives me, I will never get that unconditional forgiveness from the ones I have wronged. Sometimes I step outside myself and see myself behaving horribly, and I don’t have the power to stop it. Sometimes I feel so…