6 Month Novel Interrupted by the Super Bowl?
Well, not really… more like the 6 month novel was interrupted by the snow storm and a lack of planning and the Super Bowl, but I’ll get to all that later. Today was the day my crit partner and I started our 6 month novel, starting with the “Idea to Premise!” We talked about it…
Top 10 Observations from the Jury Box
by Ron Estrada This last week, I had the opportunity to serve on a jury. While there, I noticed a lot of little details about jury duty that I’d never realized. So, here are my Top 10 Observations from the Jury Box 10. Judges and their clerks are responsible for the current global sticky-note shortage.…
Um… I’ve Been a Little Interrupted
And I’m perfectly okay with it. It’s taken me a really long time to be okay with not writing, or not worrying about writing, or not stressing about keeping a blog schedule. But it’s a beautiful and freeing place to be. As a new writer there was this sense of urgency to write and publish,…
The 6 Month Novel
by Ron Estrada I’m interrupted constantly. How am I going to get a novel written in 6 months? I didn’t say they had to be consecutive months. However, the goal is to help you establish a writing system. One day, as you’ve often fantasized, you will be able to stick to a schedule. We want you…
The Rule of 5
by Ron Estrada As we near year’s end, many of us are setting goals for 2014. You are, aren’t you? Writers should always set goals writing and reading goals. Discipline is a component of our craft that may rank even higher than talent. The world is awash with brilliant writers who have never been published.…
Release the Novel in You! Online Christmas Break Class!
When you friends ask you what you did over break, you can say… “I wrote a novel!!” 3 weeks to choose from! December 16th – 20 December 23rd -29th (extended due to the holiday) December 30 – January 3 Is there a Novel Inside of You? Christmas Break Novel Writing Online Class will have you…
The 52 Books Challenge
by Ron Estrada Having heard a few too many of my friends, both virtual and real, tell me that they never read any more, I decided to ask them, and you, if you can commit to 52 books in 2014. A book a week. Paper, e-book, or audio. I have two reasons for doing this:…
Writing Interruptions: Handling the Holidays
“Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time. Ephesians 5:15-16a” One of the biggest interruptions I deal with lasts over two months, is tons of fun, often is full of sweet family memories, and always plays havoc with my entire schedule – starting with…
A Novelist’s Movie Review: Catching Fire
by Ron Estrada Catching Fire, the second part to The Hunger Games trilogy, opened last week just in time for the big Thanksgiving movie rush. Of particular interest to writers is the big question of how to treat the middle part of a trilogy. While not the focus here, I always stand on two rules…
Practicing Hospitality During the Holidays
Oldie but Goodie Repost What does it mean to practice hospitality? I recently had the opportunity to utilize my home as a ministry tool and host two sisters in Christ for a week. As you might guess if you frequent my Home Management posts, this was a bit of a mountaintop moment for me. However,…