God’s Not Interested in Your Happiness
From the Archives: January 5, 2010 with an update That’s the word I got in church on Sunday. Now before I start a heated theological debate on prosperity and God’s blessings, stay with me and think about it. God may not be interested in our happiness because he’s more interested in our growth. (Ouch! Yes,…
Writing Interruptions: The Rhythm of Writing at Home Meghan M. Gorecki
Interruptions come in various shapes, sizes and yes, sounds. I am a single, nineteen year-old who lives at home, works full time, & calls herself a novelist. An unpublished, aspiring, only-on-my-second novel, novelist. I call myself blessed to have been homeschooled all twelve grades and that I’m still able to be with my best friends—my…
Today’s NaNo Mission:
Because I’m NOT giving up? How about you?
What it Means to Follow
If God has been teaching me one thing this year, it’s been what it means to follow. Dance has been one giant metaphor for my relationship with God and His leading in my writing career and personal life. While in the past I’ve always tried to follow God’s will for my life, the process in…
Marji Laine on Writing
I’m so flattered that Gina asked me to share my story with you. I started my first novel (a murder mystery) on the flight home from my honeymoon. What can I say? I wasn’t into scrapbooking back then. I never finished that novel, though I got five chapters and two murders into it. Planned most…
Interrupted by…Doubt
How many times was I interrupted as I sat down to write this post? Ten, twenty, fifty? Interruptions mount up in the form of time stealers and myriad tasks that love to divert your attention. You’re familiar with the same ones I am, like sick kids, phone calls and laundry, and if we’re really…
Project ADD? Why It’s So Hard to Finish
Is there such a thing as project ADD? If so, I’ve got it! Probably had it all my life. I remember when I was little my mom saying I always start things, but never finish them. I see that in my adult life now as I look in my office with piles of writing and…
It’s Not About Me
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 I fell to my knees at the foot of the hotel room bed, weeping. Lord, why did you bring me here? Why did I…
Speak No Evil
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8 I am often guilty of forgetting this verse. Or worse, choosing to ignore it. As one who…