Little Fixes to Prevent Big Problems
I’m blessed to have a husband who is very good with schedules. I like to think I manage our daily routine well enough, but I tend to concern myself with whatever’s right in front of my face. Meanwhile, minute by minute or month by month, my husband excels at keeping up with meetings and appointments…
Great Advice for Interrupted Writers in Romans
Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of…
Platform Building 101
A long time ago (okay, maybe it was just four years ago…), I wrote a book in a month. I knew this book was genius. I knew it would be snapped up, salivated over, and sold worldwide. I found myself an agent. Because that’s all we have to do, right? Wrong. First, we have to…
On Lord Byron, Vampires, and Big Headed Writers
If you run in the same Facebook circles I do, you’ve probably seen an image of Lord Byron with the words, “If I don’t write to empty my mind I go mad.” More than one writer, it seems, identifies with Lord Byron’s words. I understand the sentiment to a certain extent but wonder if we writers…
Interrupted by American Idols
This last week has been a whirlwind of excitement for my son and our family as we focused on his dreams instead of mine. It started with a simple press release I sent out last Monday with the hope that some local media would respond to the subject line: Local Teen Wins Dream Ticket to…
And the Winner Is…
Deb Lebakken Thanks to ALL who entered my Cherry Blossom Capers Summer Family Fun Giveaway! If you didn’t win and want to read my book. It’s in stock as of this posting at: CBD
Entrusted with Talents
Recently the Holy Spirit handed me a measuring stick, and I’ve been carrying it around ever since. These moments when God speaks so clearly both ache and inspire at once as He remains at work in my life, changing my heart and mind. In reading through the Gospels, a familiar passage mentioning Judas Iscariot jumped…
Before You Hit Send On Your Manuscript
Nothing is more exciting and unnerving than finishing edits and getting ready to send in a manuscript to an agent or editor. Even if you and your critique partners have gone over your pages several times, doubts still nag. Did I catch every misspelled word and homonym? When I made my last edits did I…