Tax Tips Tuesdays: Business Meals for Writers
Business Meals for Writers Writers may choose to meet with their agents over lunch or they might arrange to meet a subject to interview at a local bagel shop. The cost of the meal can be a tax deduction with proper purpose and documentation. 1. The primary purpose of your business meal must be related…
How to Write Without an Office
Does the lack of privacy keep you from writing? In a recent web class I learned more about the unique way I learn, write and study. I had to laugh but I’m in a stage of life where my natural needs in the way of office space (private, quiet, creatively decorated) aren’t an option. With five…
The Ache in Our Souls
The psalmist claimed that we live “in a dry and weary land where there is no water” (Psa. 63:1). I think he was simply saying that we humans need more than this world has to offer—that we all long for something beyond this place (which means nothing on this planet can satisfy our hopes and…
When You Just Don’t Fit the Market
I’ve never felt like I fit. Growing up in the 70s and 80s on Long Island, New York, I didn’t know anyone whose parents (or grandparents) were divorced except mine. I didn’t know any other kids who had to visit their dad on the weekend instead of doing fun stuff with friends. And I didn’t…
Rejoicing in Hope Every Day
I looked up at our black walnut tree and cringed. This winter we’ve been denuding it of all its green “finger thick” limbs, donating pounds and pounds of them to a good cause—a friend’s alternative cancer therapies. Evidently one of the natural approaches she is trying involves drinking a tea made from young black walnut…
Writer’s Block, Now What?
Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others. For, “Who can know the LORD’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?” But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. ~1 Corinthians 2:15-16 Writer’s block, now that is an interruption of great difficulty for…
If I Only Knew Then…
by Stephanie Morrill The phrase, “If I knew then what I know now…” is applicable to my life in many ways. There are many things I wish I could tell young Stephanie. Like that bangs are not a good look for you. Nor are shorts-overalls Or, “You should not wear that hat.” Or…
Using Your Bachelor of Arts Degree to Launch Online Writing Careers
When you earned your bachelor of arts degree, you may not have been quite sure of what you were going to do with it. The intent of the degree is that it will allow students to explore a range of subjects, some of which may be familiar, and others that may be entirely unknown. In…
His Love for Us Never Ends
I remember the day in the middle of the week, the Holy Spirit tugged at my heart. It invited me to take a break and spend some time with Jesus after a stressful day of school. I couldn’t let this invitation go. I desired to speak to Him. Once I got home, I set my…
Welcome to Soul Searching Sundays!
I love a good alliteration! I also love my down time. Quiet time when it’s just me and God reflecting on life and how I fit into the big picture. Starting today, Sundays here at Writer…Interrupted will be devoted to soul searching posts. Devotionals or psalms from ordinary people like you and me, who many…