Constant Dialogue
“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17(KJV) Dialogue is a vital part of novels. Writers can certainly add depth to characters through their actions, but the heart of the character is revealed through the words he or she speaks. At the same time, a novel with only dialogue would be exhausting. The silence within scenes, when…
Write About What Disturbs You
If you haven’t read The Help by Kathryn Stockett yet, let me encourage you to do so. Stockett writes of an editor giving the main character this advice: “Don’t waste your time on the obvious things. Write about what disturbs you, particularly if it bothers no one else.” This is good advice. What disturbs you? I tend…
The MacGregor Literary Marketing Seminar Ten Meaningful Quotes
In no particular order, except for this is the way they appear in my notes, here are ten meaningful quotes that made an impression on me at the MacGregor Literary Marketing Seminar in Chicago this past weekend. 1. “A brand is a promise we believe in.” 2. “Go find who your audience is and stand…
Top Five Reasons to Preorder My Book NOW!
While I’m away at a marketing seminar, I’ll leave you with a little shameless marketing for my debut release… 5. Because I’ve given you the link, and it’s quick, easy, and painless. Think “set it and forget it!” 4. Because if you do, then you’ll forget about it, and it’ll be like getting another Christmas…
Thoughts on Waiting
If you have been writing for any length of time, then you already know about the challenges of waiting. “Thanks for sending me your poem! I’ll try to read it next week.” “I’m sorry I didn’t get a change to look at your story yet.” “If you haven’t heard from us in 60 days, consider…
Find Copywriting Clients and Know What to Charge
Targeting Clients The first place to find potential clients is with the people you know—and who know you. No, I’m not talking about imposing on family and friends, but in offering them a valuable resource—YOU! In times past, almost every business had a yellow pages ad. This was the place to find a business and…
Have You Considered Freelance Copywriting?
Copywriting is a great way to earn money as a freelance writer. It may sound a little intimidating, but it’s great fun. What is copywriting? The dictionary defines a copywriter as one who “writes copy for advertising.” The field has gone on to include many aspects of business writing, especially those where the company interfaces…
No More Excuses! Just Write It!
After ACFW conference I thought I was ready to dig back into my WIP and pound out the words. But I wasn’t. Before sending off my proposal, my agent suggested I make a few changes, and so I dove into editing, again. Vacation hit right in the middle of editing and when I got back,…
Writing a Meal Plan
I recently had a nightmare about destroying my laptop by accidentally setting it on a hot burner on the stove. Once I awoke (and backed up my work), I made a decision: no more writing while cooking! This resolution lasted about two days, and if you’re a writer who is responsible for the cooking in…