Trusting Him in the Waiting…
I’m in that interesting spot writers sometimes find themselves in…in between contracts. I turned in my last contracted book January 15th, and spent a week revising one proposal as requested and then creating a new series proposal at another editor’s request. Now I’m…waiting. Ugh. I. Hate. That. Let me say that again. I. Hate. Waiting.…
In Like a Lamb!
For me, March has come in like a lamb! The weather was near 70, and I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful first day of March, but does that mean it will go out like a lion? GULP! I sure hope not!Snowstorms have been known to fall well into April, but I’m ready for…
Writing Book Reviews: Post Two
Last time, I walked you through my review of ADAM by Ted Dekker. I enjoyed Blessings by Kim Sawyer equally as much, yet the genre is completely different. Rather than suspense with strong supernatural overtones, Blessings is the last book in a trilogy set in Old World sect in Kansas. Hopefully, you’ll see that the…
Writing Book Reviews — Post One
Earlier this year, Gina asked me to write a post or two on writing book reviews. I’ve never taken a course on book reviews, and actually fell into writing them almost by accident. I LOVE spreading the word about books I enjoy. LOVE it. So after I started a blog two years ago, it made…
Real Life Homeschooling
Real life has a way of interrupting… For the past two weeks, colds and flu viruses have kept my family and me under siege. I used to somewhat smirk when one of our kids became ill, thinking, Hey–we homeschool, no biggie. We might have to lay low, but we can still stick with the schedule!…
Let’s Take a Walk
Over the past five years, I’ve learned what it means to rest in the Lord. In the midst of the storms or the battles of life, we can have peace which passes all understanding, allowing the Holy Spirit to bring a rest only the Father can give! No matter where we are in our walk,…
February 2008 Carnival of Christian Writers #18
Carnival of Christian Writers #18 February 2008 This month Authors, Aspiring Authors, Literary Agents, Editors, etc. share their love of the craft, call, and business of writing! Literary Agent Rachelle Gardner shares some Valentine love in her post, “Waxing Poetic“. Author Cheryl Wyatt loves the challenge of incorporating “Plot-and-Character-Specific Analogies in Writing“. Especially in…
Upcoming Carnival of Christian Writers
Are you an author? An aspiring author? An editor? A literary agent?What do you LOVE about the craft, call, or business of writing? Please share a your blog post on this topic with us for the February Carnival of Christian Writers. Just send along your link with a short blurb about the post to…
Time Management 101: Marketing and Speaking
Just a smidge of what I do in regards to marketing and my speaking schedule. Marketing: 1. I’ve hired a nearly-fulltime assistant to help with marketing. She posts to my blogs, formats my newsletters, sends out packages, etc. 2. I fit my radio interviews, etc. into my calendar. I also schedule in things like email…