5 Ways to Reboot your Health After the Holidays

Can I be real? I’m up on the scale about 5 lbs. and feeling yucky because I haven’t been mindful of my sugar intake and haven’t been to the gym in 2 weeks. And now I’ve injured my back in the garden yesterday, so I have to rest. I know that if I keep consuming more than I’m burning, I will continue to gain. Since I can’t really move, I have to watch my nutrition. And thankfully, I know on my health plan, I will get this weight off fast!!

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If you were being honest, would you say you were in my shoes or worse? If you’re feeling yucky and just pain sick of the blob you feel like you’ve become over the holidays, and you’re ready to clean up your nutrition (’cause health is a lifestyle, not a diet) here are a few practical reset behaviors that can help you and me!

1. Clean up your kitchen!!

Give away or toss those leftover cookies. They’re not doing you any good and chances are your snacking out of proximity and habit, not because you really want them. It may seem wasteful, but it’s better than being waistfull! Remember your body is not a garbage disposal for unhealthy leftovers. It needs healthy nutrition feel good and thrive. You’re worth more then the cookies in the trash can!

2. Get Moving!

Not only are we consuming more calories during the holidays, but most of us are not moving and have abandoned our workout routines. In addition, with the cold weather, parties, football watching and movies on the couch with the family, many of us are sedentary over the holidays. To reboot your health, start to add a walk or two to your week. Dance to some music or just set the timer to get up and move after a long movie. Trust me, your body will thank you!

3. Hydrate!!

If you’ve indulged over the holidays, chances are you’ve probably had a few holidays spirit or bottomless peppermint lattes. What most people don’t realize is that alcohol and coffee dehydrates your body. Even if you didn’t enjoy a holiday beverage, a lot of goodies have added salt and sugar which can cause water retention and inflammation. So start drinking your water and flush out the impurities!! Try to get in at least half your body weight in ounces today! That will help flush your body.

4. Focus on healthy choices today.

Don’t cheat yourself on your nutrition. Just because you’ve over eaten on the “bad” stuff doesn’t mean you should starve yourself. Your body needs good nutrition more than ever. Make Lean proteins, green veggies, and healthy snack options your go to. Your body needs good fuel to recoup from the not so great fuel you ate over the holidays So eat well today and limit portion sizes. And yes, get rid of all the junk in the house so you won’t be tempted to finish it off.

5. Keep your Focus in Front of you

Feeling guilty and thinking about the poor choices you made over the holidays won’t help you move forward with your health journey. In fact, it’s unproductive and might keep you stuck. So instead, remind yourself you enjoyed those choices, but today you’re refocused on the what you know gives you energy and abundant life!!

I’m ready to start the new year back on track with my health. Who’s with me?

If you need more accountability, I’d got you! Let’s see where you are in your health and where you want to be!

~❤️ Coach Gina

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Gina Conroy

Gina Conroy

From the day I received my first diary in the second grade, I've had a passion expressing myself through writing. Later as a journalist and novelist, I realized words, if used powerfully, have the ability to touch, stir, and reach from the depths of one soul to another. Today as a writing and health coach, I inspire others to live their extraordinary life and encourage them to share their unique stories. For daily inspiration follow me on https://www.facebook.com/gina.conroy and check out my books here https://amzn.to/3lUx9Pi